This trailhead is located within about 3 minute walk from Big Deer Lodge.
You can catch it at the end of Golden Lake Trail Road.
This "loop" goes up about 3 miles to the top of the mountain. It has beautiful views. At this point you can go a bit farther to the trailhead at the top and take pinewood blvd back the the cabin, or turn around and come back down the trail back to the start.
This trailhead also leads to a nice walk by the lake. There is a bench about 1/2 a mile walk down the trail towards the lake.
This trail also leads behind the houses on the other side of the lake. There is access to the road that runs next to the golf course. At the first road take a right and it will lead you past the park and Fire station to Pinewood blvd.
This is great for hiking and seeing all the sites
Map here will help.